Hylobiz’s Vivaciously Inspiring Trip to Goa!

Ironically in an unexpected chain of events, working on our laptops and meeting on Microsoft teams has been the only mode of communication since Hylobiz was founded in 2019. 

Working from home has its benefits – no questions asked, with no formal dress-ups, and doing work as per our convenience but nothing beats meeting your colleagues and the team you have been listening to at meetings and seeing their faces in person and not just behind the camera.

This year, to all of our excitement, we planned a trip to Goa from the 13th to the 15th of August. Most of the team managed to fly over from different parts of the country as well as from the US and UAE.

It was a fantastic chance for Hylobiz employees to meet each other. And the entire events at Goa in some ways gave us the opportunity to experience the value of spending time with the coworkers we work with every day.

The Day We Landed and if it was Anything Less than a Dream!

goa trip images from Hylobiz offsite

The transportation had been reserved for us as soon as we landed in Goa. Throughout the journey, we were mesmerized by the view and definitely skipped a beat when we reached the resort. At the resort, we were greeted with their folk music, some refreshments, and exciting gifts.

The Cultural Meet and Greet

We kickstarted our day later on the 13th. Since everyone was meeting in person for the first time, we had to dress in a way that would allow others to recognize our region and culture without us having to say where we are from needless to say we have packed enough dress for the goa trip.

The glorious evening included the founder‘s speech, some Quizzes, fun karaoke, Garba, and a delicious meal, whereas the night was spent relaxing, conversing, and interacting with each other.

The Day we Spent like a Carefree Child

goa trip photos, dress goa trip from Hylobiz offsite Trip

On the 14th, we began the day with energizing Zumba and a fulfilling ‘brunch’. The following few hours were spent chatting and relaxing, some of us on the beach, some by the pool, and some in our comfy beds.  

Our group games came next. Blue Sky Learning organized the event. We learned the value of teamwork from playing these games, solving puzzles, etc. No matter how challenging a challenge is, you can solve them all as a team.

Followed by lunch, and some me time, we then met Akshay Laxman, the mentalist. 

The mentalist kept some of us in ‘awe’ and while some people had their ‘Jaws hanging on the floor’ when he kept reading our thoughts correctly. The “how is this even possible” was a mutual emotion among us. 

With aromatic tea and snacks, we headed towards the drum circle. It excited us and brought grins to our faces. And now was the time for the highlight of the event.

Vayana’s Got Talent

goa trip plan, goa trip clothes

Everyone was dolled up for the event, the ladies all stunningly beautiful and the men, the definition of handsome.  

It started with dance, poetry, storytelling, and skits that showed daily life incidences, and made us cry laugh, and amazed all at once.

Participants performed so magnificently and we are sure that it must have been difficult for the judges to announce the winners.

Two of the many criteria were solo and group performances – Top performers of the day were standup comedy, skits, and dance.

We had a great time dancing all night long and snapping our Goa trip photos because the night was young and the people were too.

We enjoyed the rest of the night dancing our hearts out.

Respect to our nation:

We paid homage to our nation by singing our National Anthem as soon as the clock hit 12, in one single voice. 
On the 15th, everyone was dressed in saffron, white, or green representing the colors of our national flag.

No matter where we came from, what color we were, or what gender we are, we all felt a sense of unity in our celebration of our country’s freedom.

We then hoisted our national flag and taking lots of memories in our hearts, we bid adieu to each other and flew to our respective places.

outfit for goa trip

Some of the prominent thoughts from hylobizers on the trip:

“It was a lovely experience. I made a lot of special memories in just a short time.” – Survi Suman  

“It was awesome off-site and we met new people and enjoyed it a lot”. – Pooja  

“The offsite was amazing. Met the whole “Hylobiz” team without any designation badges. And had a lot of funny moments to remember. Those three days were beautiful and memorable moments”. – Nameer  

“So much and memorable” Abhishek

Overall, meeting each other in person was such a lovely experience. Just exchanging a few moments face-to-face over drinks or tea and coffee makes a huge difference in establishing trust among team members.

Our interactions were adequate as a result of having easier conversations. We have undoubtedly brought back a bag full of memories that we will treasure until we cross paths again.

The work culture of Hylobiz:

Here is how hylobiz operates internally: 

  • Hylobiz operates in a hybrid manner because it’s challenging to move everyone from their locations to the office after working remotely for so long. 
  • Here, we have leaders rather than bosses. 
  • Employees are given opportunities and have their well-being regularly looked after, 
  • Hylobiz wants its employees to develop and be able to recognize their own progress.  
  • Hylobiz strives to ensure that everyone feels safe and growing here. 
  • Hylobiz also supports the side hustle of its employees.
Know more about Hylobiz :

Hylobiz is a B2B fintech platform helping businesses with invoicing, collection, payouts, and working capital management. It improves business efficiency by automating processes and bringing down operational costs. Hylobiz’s all-in-one automated solution frees up time and helps businesses generate additional revenue. 

We hope you loved reading about our trip to Goa and were impressed with our work culture.  

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